Tenant configuration

Public tenant configuration parameters

attribute description example val.
backgroundImage URL of the background image (recommended size is 415x630 when bottomBar==false (default) and 415x800 when bottomBar==false) http://placekitten.com/200/300
logo show image in top bar of the app false
bottomBar whether app should show bottom bar around buttons ‘take away’/‘deliver’ or not false (default)
currency string representing currency EUR
title Title of the page after loading (usually name of the brand)
contactName name of company (for contact) eg. House of pizza 123
contactAddress first line of the address Strange street 123
contactAddress2 second line of the address Strange city, 32423
contactEmail email - contact data presented in app contact@orderingstack.com
contactPhone phone - contact data presented in app +48 123 456 789
showPickUpTime Should customers be able to set time of delivery to future time? (see other settings dueMax(min)Minutes, dueSameDay default:false
allowedLanguages list of languages that client apps supports default: “pl,en”. It can be for example: “en,jp” (English, Japanese)
defaultLanguage locale loaded by default en
addressSuggestedCity text presented as example in city field on the delivery address form default: empty, example: “Paris”
preScaledProductImages if product images should be prepared in multiple sizes (width: 48, 57, 70, 160, 230, 250, 300) and app should use them by adding “_{size}” (eg. “_230” to the image url false
showCouponField if coupon promo code field should be shown true
landingAdvertPhotos serialized array of urls for carousel on the front page (desktop view) ‘[\“https://aaa.com/img1.jpg"]'
logoHeader string which contain URL for logo image displayed in left top corner in menu component, the recommended size for logo is 120px width and 50px height https://aaa.com/img1.jpg"
logoFooter string which contain URL for logo image displayed in left bottom corner in footer component, the recommended size for logo is 120px width and 50px height https://aaa.com/img1.jpg"
headerText object property including all of the translated option for top header in menu component, each language is represented by the acronym name in the key inside of that object, this feature only works with available languages {“en”:“Your header here”, “pl”:“Twój nagłówek tutaj”}
socialMediaLink string which contain URL to the social media displayed in the footer section “facebook.com/yourfanpage”
siteLink string which contain URL to the main page of the restaurant displayed in the footer section “YourRestaurantPage.com”
prioritiseDeliveryTab string which holding can hold “true” or “false” values depending if we want to prioritise the tab with the delivery type order on the main page in the desktop viewport “true”
allowUserAuth true or false value, when true displays a button on the menu bar allows user to log in to their account “true”
kdsNotification string value which would be displayed in KDS on the bottom white bar, taking entire width of the screen, so the message is vividly depicted “this is the message in KDS”
productViewType depends on the value it can change the way the products are displayed in the web applications, for now there is one option available which is multicolumn. If it’s empty or not set the layout will stay in the default list view “multicolumn”
kiosk.dineInButtonImg allows to dynamically change the image we want to display on the button for dine in order type at the kiosk main page ”/dineInImage.png”
kiosk.takeAwayButtonImg allows to dynamically change the image we want to display on the button for take out order type at the kiosk main page ”/takeoutImage.png”
kiosk.showScreenSaver toggle true or false value depending if screen saver should be shown or not “true”

Private tenant configuration parameters

attribute description example val.
dueMaxMinutes Up to how maximum many minutes in future due time can be set up (maximum time ahead) default: 1440 min (24h), can be for example: 2160 m (36h)
dueMinMinutes Minimum minutes in future due time can be set up (minimum time ahead) default: 0 min
dueSameDay Can we setup due time only for current day (no for Tomorrow)? default: false
allowedLocales list of locales backend is generating menus for default: “pl,en”. It can be for example: “en,jp” (English, Japanese)
disableQueuing If system should not set automaticly queue pos number for each order? (queue pos number is visible in KDS) default: false
checkFiscal When checkFiscal == “true”, then system requires fiscal entry in each order at some processing stage. For orders with a payment type requiring immediate fiscalization (CASH, CARD),the system goes to VERIFIED only when a fiscal record is added to the order. For other payment types, the system requires a fiscal record only before switching to the CLOSED status. when checkFiscal == false (or missing) then there are no checks for fiscal entry presence default: false
verifyCouponUrl Callback to verify coupons. Called using POST with { “order”: {order}, “coupon”: ‘coupon’} JSON body. Special value ‘ALL’ allows to accept all coupons. If not set - everything is rejected. default:
verifyLoyaltyIdUrl Callback to verify loyalty cards. Called using POST with { “order”: {order}, “loyaltyId”: ‘XXX’} JSON body. Special value ‘ALL’ allows to accept all values. If not set - everything is rejected. default:
autoVerification Turn on/off automatic order verifiction default: true
autoDeliverReady Turn on/off automatic marking order as ready for delivery default: true
processStageDone Turn on/off processing lines sub-statuses and changing line status to PROCESSED when they are all set do “done” default: false
geoCoding Perform geocoding of delivery addresses default: true
webhookSecurityToken Security token for webhook signatures. When provided each webhook call will be signed default: empty, any string
upsellSecurityToken Security token for upsell callback signatures. When provided each upsell call will be signed default: empty, any string
loyaltySecurityToken Security token for loyalty callback signatures. When provided each loyalty call will be signed default: empty, any string
verifyCouponUrl Callback to verify coupons default: empty, URL
verifyLoyaltyIdUrl Callback to verify loyalty cards id default: empty, URL
abandonPeriod Inactivity timeout after which not completed orders will be abandoned automatically default: 8 hours, value in seconds
abandonForcedPeriod Inactivity timeout after which completed orders will be considered abandoned default: 24 hours, 0 disable abandoning completed orders, value in seconds
processLoyalty Use loyalty callback default: false
loyaltyUrl Loyalty callback URL default: empty
upsellUrl Upsell URL. Callback used to calculate upsells to show to the user default: empty
orderVerificationUrl Callback to custom order verification for payment default: empty
orderVerificationProducts Recheck products on order verification for payment default: false
orderVerificationVenues Recheck venues (availability, delivery area, etc) on order verification for payment default: false
processWarehouse Turn on/off posting inventory document for closed orders default: false
lockStock Turn on/off locking stock for items added to order. Requires also processWarehouse=true default: false